HSCL - Home School Community Liaison Coordinator
Ciara Harkin
I am the Home School Liaison Teacher for Bush Post Primary School. My role within the school is part of the ‘Delivering Equality of Opportunity in Schools’ Scheme. My main role is to be a support to parents/guardians by offering a key link between home, school and the community. I offer a wide range of support and guidance with the key aim of helping your child reach their full potential in school.
Supports offered by the HSCL:
- Home visits
- Assist with the transfer of students from primary to secondary school
- Liaise between parents, Principal and teachers
- Support parents to ensure your child’s regular attendance at school
- Support with your child’s behavioural and emotional issues
- Support with referrals to local support agencies (e.g. EWO, ISPCC)
- Support with referrals to NEPs, Speech and Language, Occupational therapy, HSE
- Support parents’ attendance at appointments
- Link families with local agencies
- Advocate for parents at meetings
- Run courses to promote parents’ personal development
- Run courses to promote parents’ positive participation in your child’s education
- Run Parent subject-based courses
- Hold information meeting for parents
- Distribute information leaflets to parents
- Provide a Parents’ Space for meetings, classes and activities
- Inform parents of HSCL news
Please do get in contact if needed, I am here to help.
How to get in contact:
- I offer a Parental Drop-in Service from 8.30am – 9.00am every morning, you can find me in my office at the back of the school, or at the front door.
- Alternatively you can contact me on 0862035834 during school hours.
Attendance is a key part to the role of HSCL. Ciara makes the connection by phone, meeting in school, or visiting the home, to provide support to any parent of a student with poor attendance.
‘Every School Day Counts’
We encourage all our students to be Bush HEROs. To be
Here Every Day Ready for class On Time
Full attendance each year is rewarded by the presentation of a Star Participant Award at our annual Awards ceremony. Monthly awards will be presented to students with full attendance or best improved attendance.
To encourage good attendance, Year Heads will be sending letters to parents of students who have been absent for a concerning length of time.
Our Parents Association is an active and supportive partner in Bush Post Primary.
Through its fundraising activities, it has contributed greatly to the life of the school and the enhancement of facilities for our students. It assists in policy formation The Parents Association works with Principal, HSCL, staff and Board of Management to maintain effective co-operation and partnership between home and school.
Please keep an eye on the School website and for posters on social media for upcoming courses and activities.