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Bush Post Primary School



Mission Statement of Leaving Certificate Applied   


To promote the personal, vocational and academic development of students and to adopt a holistic approach to the development of the students thereby enabling them to be participative and responsible adults, both in the world of work and in society itself.   


The Aims of Leaving Certificate Applied   


The Leaving Certificate Applied is a distinct, self-contained two-year  programme aimed at preparing students for adult and working life. The  programme puts an emphasis on forms of achievement and excellence,  which the established Leaving Certificate has not recognised in the  past. Furthermore, it recognises the talents of all students and provides  opportunities for development in terms of responsibility, self-esteem and  self-knowledge. It is an innovative programme in the way students learn  and in the way their achievements are assessed. Finally, it offers  learners specific opportunities to prepare for and progress to further education and training.   



 LCA Programme Objectives   

The fundamental goal of the Leaving Certificate Applied is to prepare  Leaving Certificate participants for transition from the world of the  school/centre to that of adult and working life.  The Leaving Certificate Applied focuses on the needs and interests of  participants, using a variety of methodologies, making optimum use of the  resources of the local community and paying particular attention to the  needs of the local region. There is a need to recognise that individuals   differ considerably in the ways they process, assimilate and recall information.   


What is the Leaving Cert Applied?   


The Leaving Certificate Applied is a two- year senior cycle course. The   Leaving Certificate Applied programme is designed for students whose   needs, aspirations and aptitudes are not adequately catered for by the   traditional Leaving Certificate programme. It is a student centred  programme and is based on active and practical educational experiences.   The Leaving Certificate Applied places emphasis on continuous  assessment and preparation for the world of work. Upon successful completion of the Leaving Certificate Applied Programme, students may apply to do a Post Leaving Certificate (PLC) course and then   continue to study in a college.