(Provided by the State Examinations Commission)
- Session 1 Year 1 & Session 3 Year 2
- Issue of Practical Achievement Booklet
- Issue of year 1 Examination Results
- Viewing of Scripts for Year 1 candidates
- Deadline for appeal of Year 1 results
- Issue of Appeal Results for Year 2 candidates
- Issue of LCA forms ENT.LCA.l and ENT.LCA.2 which capture task & final exam
- details for Yr 1 and Yr 2 candidates (to be completed and returned immediately)
- Issue of Appeal Results for Year 1 candidates
- Circulation of Oral Guidelines. Distributions of Timetable of Final Exams
- Issue of LCA Certificates
- Notification of February Task arrangements
- Year 1 candidate numbers assigned
- Practical Coursework Design Briefs -Graphics/Construction,
- Engineering, Technology, Childcare/Community Care, Craft & Design circulated to schools/centres
- Issue of Personal Reflection Task Guidelines
- Session 2 Year 1 & Session 4 Year 2
- February Tasks
- LCA 1 (module) forms for Session 1 and 3 to be completed and returned immediately on receipt.
- Circulation of Format of final exams
- Practical Performance Assignment Briefs (Hotel Catering and Tourism, Office
- Administration Customer Care, Active Leisure Studies, Health & Beauty and
- Agriculture/Horticulture) circulated to schools/centres
- Notification of May Task arrangements
- Issue of Session 1 and Session 3 results
- Appeal deadline for February Tasks
- May Tasks
- IT practical performance and written test (set up instructions to issue ahead of
- question papers) LCA practical performance tests (Hotel Catering Tourism, Active
- Leisure Studies, Office Administration & Customer Care, Agriculture/Horticulture,
- Hair and Beauty)
- LCA Oral Exams
- LCA 1 (module) forms for Session 2 and 4- to be completed and returned immediately on receipt.
- Schools instructed regarding appointing Superintendent for Year 1 languages
- Distribution of P2 rolls for Practical Coursework exams and identity labels for pieces
- PRT rolls for Year 1 and Year 2 issued to schools with instruction for immediate return
- Completion and return of Personal Reflection Tasks.
- Terminal Exams
- Assessment of practical coursework (Engineering, Graphics & Construction,
- Childcare/Community Care, Craft & Design and Technology)
- Issue of Year 2 Examination Results
- Viewing of Scripts for Year 2 candidates Deadline for appeal of Year 2 results