Please find below important information regarding registering subjects and levels for the leaving cert exams in June. There is an online facility called the Candidate self-service portal (CSSP) which every student must use.


1. Go to

2. Click on

self service link

3. You must first register and create an account. You will need:

  • Examination number (given to student on a sticker by year head)
  • PIN – first 4 digits of student’s PPS number
  • An email address and mobile that students will access regularly.
self service register

4. You will then be sent a confirmation email whereby you can activate your account.

5. Then you can return and confirm subjects. Here you can add or delete subjects if applicable. For example,, if you plan to sit the exam in Polish, this can be added in here.

Please note once you hit submit, you cannot change subjects or levels!!!

self service confirm

6. You will be sent a confirmation email which you will forward to Ms Boyle.

The portal is open from Wed 8th Feb 1pm to Tues 21st Feb 5pm which doesn’t leave much time as we have midterm break in between.