On Tuesday the 26th of September, LCA 6 visited Carlingford to carry out a tourist trail as part of their Hotel Catering and Tourism course.

The students, accompanied by their teachers Miss McCarragher and Miss Mulholland, began their visit with a trip to the Four Seasons Hotel. The hotel General Manager, Dermot,  took the students on a tour of the hotel. The students got a chance to ask questions about the tourism industry and have a look at some hotel rooms, the function room, kitchens, the leisure centre and spa. The hotel also very kindly provided lunch for the students.

The students then travelled to the deserted village and met up with Clodagh from Anam tours. Clodagh took the students on a guided tour up the mountain and told them all about the history of Carlingford and the deserted village.

On the way back to school, the students called into A91 café for a coffee. The café owner, Paul, was happy to answer questions about how he set up his business and the challenges of running a café.

 Thank you to all of the businesses for taking time out of their day to share their knowledge. The students and teachers thoroughly enjoyed their day.